Juvenile Justice Continuum of Services (JJCS) Advisory Boards are established by the Sixth Judicial District Court in Luna, Hidalgo, and Grant Counties.

The Sixth Judicial District Court Judges who chair the boards are The Honorable Jennifer DeLaney (2013-present) and Honorable Jarod K. Hofacket (2016-present), Priscilla Lucero (Chair) and Honorable Tom F. Stewart (Vice Chair, 2019-present). The advisory boards are made up of community members, including parents, judges, teens, government leaders, and representatives from numerous community organizations. The boards maintain a continuum of services for prevention of delinquency, alternatives to secure detention, improvement of the juvenile justice system, and the development of a continuum of graduated sanctions for juveniles in local communities.

This is successful through the use of the following:

  • Community collaboration and coordination to map out services for juveniles, eliminate duplication of services, and target areas of need
  • Research on evidence-based programs and best practices
  • Funding by local government entities; organizations; Children, Youth, and Families Department; and a legislative appropriation to the 6th Judicial District Court
  • Performance Measures to measure the effectiveness
  • Short-term and long-term planning

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